

Created by Talon Strikes Studios

Vinyl is back in demand as collectors clamor to discover the pure warm sound of music from decades past.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Backer Photos
almost 6 years ago – Sat, May 19, 2018 at 03:38:17 PM

 Hello Strikers,

We are putting the backer kit together and are excited to release that to you so that we can move forward, however there are a few more things to get into place before we are ready to release that. So, in the meantime, here is the link for the photo upload for backer photos that will be considered for album covers in the game.


1. You may upload up to 20 photos each, so make them count!

2. Please crop them to show only what part of the photo you would like to be considered.

3. Please keep the file size under 3MB

4. Both art work and photos will be accepted.

5. Credits for art and photos will be included in the rule book in some way. 

Here is the link for the photo upload. The link is active until May 31st.


If you have questions or thoughts please post up in the comments section. I am excited to see all the photos. Be creative! Remember that the game covers from the 50s to current times. 

The backer kit is coming! and late pledges and upgrades will be released along with the backer kit!

-The Talon Strikes Team

Awesome Job!
about 6 years ago – Fri, May 04, 2018 at 05:19:06 PM

 Hello Strikers,

So awesome!

We did a great job. The Expansion is unlocked! 

I need to apologize that I did not communicate with you better in the last update so I will do that here. 

The Publisher Expansion is going to be available to everyone that wants it. By spending the 3.00 on the Dual Powers Campaign you will get the Publisher Expansion.  If you do not want to do that you can wait for the backer kit and it will be available there for 6.00 dollars. I got a few messages and wanted to clear that up. If for some reason the Dual powers game did not fund all backers that participated would still qualify for the expansion at the lesser cost.

If you have not been able to do that yet and you still want to use this link

Dual powers

British Invasion

Great News! The British Invasion will be made available through the backer kit as well as a few other things, I know many of you wanted this expansion and we want to add the content for you. If you already picked up the Totally Awesome 80s you will be able to add the British invasion and  there will be a package deal for you. if you want to add both of the expansions at that time you will be given the opportunity to do so. If you just want the British Invasion you will be able to do that also.

Photos and Art for the game

For backers that may have missed the information I am excited to say we are asking backers for photos and art for the album covers. This means your pictures and art could end up on a cover of a record album in the game. In the next update it will outline some of the guidelines for the art and photos. This will be limited to backers only. Everyone here made it possible for the game to be published and this is a way we can give back something that I feel is awesome to our backers. The link will only be open for a few weeks as all the art will need to be completed in June. So don't wait till the last minute to set up your photo shoots! I will provide a link this weekend for backers to start submitting art and photos for the game. 

Backer Kit

Backer Kit is coming soon! I should have that ready to go in 10 to 14 days. In the backer Kit you will be able to upgrade your pledge if you need to do so. 

Thank you so very much for the continued support!

-The Talon Strikes Team

Publishers Expansion, Loyalty Reward and Paying it Forward!
about 6 years ago – Sat, Apr 28, 2018 at 03:39:07 PM

Hello Strikers,

Tuesday is here and that means it is time for an update!

As some of you know, we livestreamed the final 90 minutes of the campaign. During the time I advised we would be running a special update tonight and giving our friend, Keith Matejka, and his awesome Dual powers campaign some love!

I am giving a post campaign Loyalty Goal. If you contribute 3 or more dollars to the Dual Powers campaign, it will unlock the goal for those folks. You will NOT need to add any money to your current pledge on the Vinyl campaign. By backing Keith, you will earn the expansion. That's it! You MUST use the link below. That is the only way I can track your pledge! 

 Use this Link HERE.

Now on to what you will be getting for that help . . .

Publisher Expansion

The publisher expansion is really cool and will add some neat depth to your games. As with other modules, you can just plug and play it without adding almost nothing to the set up time.

What is in this expansion and what does it do?

It adds a second side to the player board.

With this player board you will notice the addition of tracks for each publisher and for the late and early decade. This will allow players to track the progress of these things and unlock usable powers that are asymmetrical. 

Example: when you have collected your 3rd Monster record you gain a Frequent Shopper Card 

When you collect your 6th Monster Record you would get an Extreme Shopper Card

Each player can only have two shopper cards and you can mix or match them in any way. If you already have two cards and you unlock a third opportunity to get a new card you may swap out cards at that time. 

In the Publishers Expansion you get double sided player boards, 25 colored cubes and 24 Shopper Cards. 

As we have mentioned before, follow the link above, and with a minimum of a $3 pledge towards Dual Powers, the expansion will be yours!

So lets get over to the Dual powers campaign and show some love. It is a great game and Keith is a fantastic designer. He has done some many wonderful things for the gaming community it is time for us to give back and help support him.

Thank you for your continued support!

-The Talon Strikes Team

about 6 years ago – Tue, Apr 24, 2018 at 06:58:59 AM

 Hello Strikers,

This was very much a group effort from many corners of the gaming community.

Special thanks to the Knight Works Backers and to Don for being an innovator and showing creators how to break new ground!

Congrats on Funding and gaining the 5th player!

New Stretch Goal Added

The British Invasion adds a whole new mode of play to the game. In this expansion we will add 6 new Bands that invaded America and left their influence as a mark on the American Music Scene. 

Not only will you collect bands you will now have the chance to collect hit singles as well. This will add a whole new dimension to the game and allow players the chance to boost their collections and collect singles stand alone as well as build a single collections separate from LPs. We will also introduce new Loyalty Cards! 

Big News...

So the thing I am most excited to share is the chance for each and every backer to become part of the game. I really want to make this about the folks that helped to create this game. So as part of this I would really like to feature backers on some of the album covers for the game. 

I really would like for folks to get creative. Take some friends and give us your best band or group photos. Think of all the awesome posters you have hung on your walls or the great photos that grace album covers. Think about what an artist from the genre of music might ware and what setting would they take photos for an album cover. 

Also if you have photos of interesting things or places, these can possibly used as well. 

These are some examples of photos.

Once the kickstarter is complete a link will be provided and photos can be uploaded to it. More information will follow on this topic but I wanted to share it now!

I am excited to see how far we can take this thing! Do not forget to comment and thumb on BGG to continue to build the excitement of the game and move up the hotness. This helps to gain the game more visibility. 

What an exciting day for us all. I would like to share a quote that I think about often and means something to me personally. Being able to create something to bring joy, laughter and fun into someones life is a privilege and we thank you for the chance to do so.

While I often dream about what I might create and how I might create it, this quote fills my mind and I become inspired to dream big and create from my heart. 

Let's Rock some Stretch Goals!

 -The Talon Strikes Team

Bulletproof Box and the Final Hour
about 6 years ago – Tue, Apr 24, 2018 at 06:56:53 AM

 Hello Strikers,

Welcome all the new backers!

As we roll into the final hours we want to say that the support has been overwhelming for the the game and we thank you for the wonderful interaction and the continued discussions about the game.

Tonight we will live stream the final hour of our Kickstarter. We then take this and make it an episode on our podcast. 

We will be streaming from my Youtube channel! We would love to have all of you with us through the final hour. This is something we started doing with King's Champion and it was fun to talk and interact with backers! We will continue to do this with each new project.

We will post up details as we get closer to this evening.


Thank you so very much and lets see if the we can hit the British Invasion! To help, I should be able to pop a few more awesome upgrades for encouragement! 

-The Talon Strikes Team