

Created by Talon Strikes Studios

Vinyl is back in demand as collectors clamor to discover the pure warm sound of music from decades past.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

MPC and Assembly Completion
about 5 years ago – Fri, Mar 08, 2019 at 10:48:36 PM

Hello Strikers,

I got the Mass Production Copy yesterday and cracked the box on it. 

So what does that mean for us?

Assembly is being completed. Yesterday we approved all the packing details. It was quite a bit to go through, but everything was completed and sent back to the manufacturer. Packing will be completed and then it takes the trip to the export dock. It will be loaded and then the trip on the boat for most of April. 

Fulfillment should begin early in May.

When I get the manifest for the ship and everything I will share that. The game looks great. I am excited to be bringing this game to market finally. I know it has been a long haul. Longer then we had predicted. However, there is just so many ways to enjoy this title, I think it was worth the extra time to get the work done.

Thank you for your support.

-The Talon Strikes Team

Winterborne Launched
about 5 years ago – Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 09:06:04 PM

Hello Strikers,

Some of you may have been with us this morning but for those of you that were not we launched Winterborne this morning. We are very excited about this release. But first information on Vinyl.

I was advised that while some folks are trickling back in at Longpack the bulk of their folks should be back next week. For us this means a hard time line and loading pallets and getting to the boat. So there should be something late next week with FOB information. So this is awesome news for us. 

Again I apologize for the delay. I work so very hard to get things out as soon as possible! Thank you for your continued support!

Please remeber that if you back Winterborne you will get the promo pack of a Banner set for free!

This offer is a great value and adds further replay ability to the game. It came in 4th at the Stonemaier Design Day 2018. Over 100 folks attended and more than 30 games were entered!

Please check out the game HERE

As always thank you for your continued support of TSS!

Updated Crate pics and Winterborne Promos!
over 5 years ago – Sun, Feb 03, 2019 at 11:28:30 PM

Hello Strikers,

So the CNY is started. I got some photos just before they took their break.

So they were moving full steam ahead into the break. I was advised that they need to pack the games up once they return. Once they have the pallets ready I will get a solid date for the ocean voyage. 

I also got the updated create. So here are some of the pic from that.

So excited to share that with you folks!

Vinyl Promo

We asked for feedback on the Vinyl Promo for Promo Paradise and we had lots of folks say they would want the card. So we will make it available though the website once we have the card printed. So look for that update soon. 

Winterborne Promos

So for backers of Vinyl I am making a promo set available to folks that back Winterborne. This will only be for backers of previous Kickstarters for TSS. 

These Banner cards are great cards. They will allow a special action for the the character. They will be able to move to the center of the board and then move back out onto the board at a location of your choosing.  This Banner Set will only be available to Vinyl Backers, Kings Champion Backers and House of Borgia Backers. They are FREE to you when you back Winterborne. You will be given a special code for your checkout in Backerkit after the campaign. This is a way I can give back to folks that stay will us and support Talon Strikes Studios. 

I am also running a special 72 hour Exclusive for a first player token.

Look for the next update around the week of the 20th. We are very excited for Winterborne. 

Thank you so very much,


over 5 years ago – Thu, Jan 17, 2019 at 01:36:17 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Most Anticipated Games of 2019
over 5 years ago – Thu, Jan 10, 2019 at 11:41:36 PM

Hello Strikers!

Happy New Year!

While production is underway, the CNY is going to start. We are going to be nearing the end of the production when the factory goes on vacation. Just about the whole game is printed however it will not be assembled completely before the break. 

I have been assured that when they resume work, our game is the first game they will complete.  I should have a definite time line once work resumes of everything that follows after the games are packaged and ready to go. 

While this is not 100% the way I wanted this to go, we were put in front of two other games and as you can imagine they have so many games waiting to be printed I am happy that this occurred and they worked with us. I am always looking at ways to improve and do better as a publisher.  Timelines are tough as we share the burden with the manufacturing and shipping. Some of it falls on me and some of it is outside of my control. So hang in there, it will be here soon!

The final product is really stellar. I did post up a video showing the entire game and all the components and how they will look in the production run. Video Here

Most Anticipated Games of 2019

This last week we had some very EXCITING news! 

We are in the running for most anticipated game of 2019 "Artistic" category. I am so excited to have been nominated! There is tons of fantastic art and backer photos in this game. That is thanks to all of you who took the time to upload photos. So thank you for that!

Please go and vote for Vinyl! 



I would like to announce our next game it will Launch on February 19. This is a Euro game designed by Brian Suhre  (Coldwater Crown, Paradox). I will share some more on this game as we get closer to the launch date. 

The previews should be hitting soon and the game has been well received! I am excited to share this game with the gaming community! Brian has worked very hard on Winterborne and it shows in how great the game plays!

I am waiting on some pictures from Longpack of Vinyl in production and when those come in I will share them with you!

Thank you so very much.

The Talon Strikes Team!